The construction industry explores information-based construction

Technological breakthroughs help Chinese architecture 'intelligent manufacturing'

Construction industry is one of the pillar industries driving China's economic development, but in people's impression, it is often associated with terms such as high cost, high energy consumption, low precision, and low quality. Today, under the impact of the digital wave, the construction industry also urgently needs to use modern intelligent technology to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Construction industry exploring information construction

Not long ago, at the 2018 Annual Construction Industry Summit held in the ancient capital of Xi'an, the industry has begun to recognize the importance of digital and intelligent technologies to the construction industry.

At the summit, Ge Lu, the director of the information management department of the Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd. of the China Railway 12th Bureau Group, said, 'With the rapid development of the construction industry, our engineering design has become more complex, the project volume has become larger, and the participating units have increased More and more, the existing management mechanisms and technical means can no longer meet the needs, which requires us to make full use of information technology to implement informatization and digitization during the construction process to meet the challenges in the new situation. '

The industry believes that BIM technology may lead the construction industry to a higher level. It is understood that BIM is the abbreviation of Building Information Modeling. BIM technology is the use of 3D digital technology and intelligent tools to integrate, integrate and analyze data information in each stage of the entire life cycle of a construction project, and finally use 3D visualization models for these data. And digital reports are displayed, which is beneficial to the participants in the project to analyze the progress and cost of related work, and ultimately improve the overall quality of the project.

At present, some enterprises have begun to experiment with the application of BIM technology and have achieved certain results. According to Ge Lu, the four companies of the China Railway Twelfth Bureau have applied BIM technology to the Yinxi Railway, Fuzhou-Xiamen Railway, Mujia Railway, Xingquan Railway, Foshan First Ring Road, Nanning Metro and other projects, which have reduced burden and cost. , Improve quality, and increase efficiency.

However, Yang Xiaoyi, chief engineer of China Construction First Engineering Bureau, also said that China Construction First Engineering Bureau has explored the intelligence of the project when it was constructing the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. He said that the large volume, tight schedule and high requirements of this project made the company must use intelligent technology and more advanced concepts to design. At the same time, the company also used a smart management platform for on-site management.

Not only that, based on the current status and characteristics of informatization in the construction industry, many companies have explored informatization construction.

Sun Xianfeng, CEO of Hangzhou Zhufeng Technology Co., Ltd., said that when the company undertook the renovation project of Ningxia International Hall, it used technologies such as 3D scanning of drones and intelligent modeling to optimize the design time by more than 60% compared with the traditional design time, and improved the construction efficiency. 30% or more. It took only 3 months from design to construction and delivery, and such projects used to take 8 to 9 months to complete.

The well-known digital construction industry platform service provider Guanglianda has set up a 'digital production line' for engineering construction, which integrates real-time online connection and intelligent interaction and cooperation between factory production and construction site to realize the collaboration of the entire industrial chain and improve the quality of the project to the industrial level. Level of refinement.

Digital architecture is imperative

As we all know, the construction industry is a very traditional industry, and the extensive development model has been in a dominant position for a long time, which has also brought many problems such as waste of resources and environmental pollution. In addition, the opacity of the industry also leads to a low level of project management and poor corporate efficiency.

Therefore, the construction industry urgently needs a change to break the status quo, and digital technology undoubtedly provides the best opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

In fact, with the rapid development of AI, big data, and cloud computing, digital technology is constantly washing people's cognition, bringing unprecedented impacts and more efficient production and operation models to all walks of life. The innovative development of the industry provides new ideas.

In the view of Ma Zhiliang, a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Tsinghua University, the transformation of the construction industry is to use the technology of interconnection, integration, data, and intelligence to comprehensively design, produce, purchase, construct, operate, and maintain engineering projects. Innovate in all aspects of the life cycle, improve resource allocation capabilities and use efficiency, promote the transformation of the industry to an innovation-driven development mode, and finally achieve construction, operation and product upgrades.

At the same time, the transformation of smart cities and the real estate industry is also driving the rapid transformation of the construction industry to digital.

Zhao Zhengting, secretary general of the Allied Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, believes that at present, urban spatial development patterns, construction requirements and standards have changed, and people's living and living needs are also changing. These have put forward higher and more urgent requirements for the construction industry .

Not only that, the entry of capital has also accelerated the penetration of technology into the construction industry.

Wang Aihua, Shuang Guanglian's senior vice president in charge of investment business, said that Guanglian focused on investment in technological innovation. There are a lot of innovations in the construction industry, and every innovation has the potential to form a breakthrough. At present, BIM-related businesses, businesses relying on the Internet of Things technology, and lightweight businesses with mobile features are the company's most promising investment directions, and are likely to become the industry's mouthpiece.

In fact, in order to change the phenomenon that the construction industry is large but not strong, the state has also issued a number of policies to promote and guarantee the digital transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

10In October 2017, the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued a notice on the promotion and application of '10 New Technologies in the Construction Industry (2017 Edition)'. Among them, BIM-based on-site construction management information technology, big data-based project cost analysis and control information technology, Internet-based project multi-party collaborative management technology, mobile Internet-based project dynamic management information technology, and IoT-based general contracting project The whole-process supervision technology of materials and information technology based on intelligent prefabricated building product production and construction management are all being promoted.

Construction to become 'intelligent' still has a long way to go

数字 Digital architecture has become a hot topic worldwide. According to market estimates, by 2025, there will be more than 50 billion devices connected globally, of which more than 20% will be used in the field of intelligent buildings, which will have a fundamental impact on early building operations and planning. .

However, the industry believes that the digital transformation of the construction industry still has a long way to go. Construction industry has a large volume and construction week

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