The discipline of the morning meeting

In order to continuously strengthen the team cohesion, Shanghai yueben Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. has been persisting in holding the morning meeting of the company for several years. Through the morning meeting, the company's core mission, concept, goal, orientation, purpose, etc. are deeply penetrated into the soul of every employee, thus enhancing the employee's sense of responsibility and mission. Yueben morning meeting is an integral part of corporate culture. All colleagues communicate, exchange and learn from each other through the morning meeting, which makes us learn and grow and make us progress together. The morning meeting records every bit of our growth and the growing process of Shanghai yueben Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

跃奔晨会  铁的纪律

Every Monday, all the employees of the company are in a neat line in the factory, shouting loud slogans and meeting the challenges of the new week in full swing. At the beginning of the morning meeting, the administrative vice president, who was born in the army, organized the whole team. Look, everyone's queue is so neat. I believe that after the morning meeting, everyone's growth is not only the improvement of skill level, but also the improvement of overall quality!

The manager of the production department is explaining to you the matters that each department should pay attention to when the new project is put into production, summarizing the experience in the production process of the previous project, and educating you to avoid detours. Through the mobilization conference of the whole plant, the production of all projects is more smooth, and the products produced are more perfect and better!

跃奔晨会  铁的纪律

In the composition of yueben morning meeting, the small morning meeting of the workshop is also an indispensable part. This is the morning meeting of our hardware workshop, presided over by our workshop director. In the morning meeting, the production tasks of the day, the production plan of the week and the details that should be paid attention to in the production process will be explained to you in detail; the problems occurred in the early production process will also be emphasized and summarized, so that you will no longer make the same mistakes.

跃奔晨会  铁的纪律

At the same time, safety production education is also an indispensable project in the morning meeting. Safety first, prevention first, which is not only the safety production policy of the safety production law, but also the safety production policy of our yueben company. Safety production is to propagandize and attach importance to it all the time. Only by persisting for a long time, can the enterprise develop sustainably.

跃奔晨会  铁的纪律

This is the morning meeting of our woodworking workshop. Although there are not many people, our morning meeting has not fallen at all, including production task arrangement, product production precautions, company rules and regulations publicity, safety production education, etc.

跃奔晨会  铁的纪律

Familiar with our friends, have you found anything? Yes, even our general manager Wang is participating in the morning meeting of our woodworking workshop. General manager Wang is always educating us to walk around the workshop frequently and pay more attention to the work and life of the employees. Only when we are close to the employees and truly integrate with them, can we really be a team and give full play to our maximum energy.

跃奔晨会  铁的纪律

This is the morning meeting of our production team. The team leader will arrange the production work in the morning meeting. At the morning meeting, everyone listened so carefully, and then went to work on a busy day.

Although there are a little more women in our group's packaging, they don't want to be men. Their kung fu skills are the best. No male colleague can match them. Group packaging process is our top priority. Whether all products can be delivered to customers safely depends on their detailed work. The group leader also constantly improves the requirements for everyone at the morning meeting.

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